The General Assembly’s Appropriations Government A Subcommittee heard testimony for this bill on Feb. 14th. You can still submit written testimony.

  • Submit written testimony here
  • Find sample testimony here.

Voting rights are up for debate in the budget this legislative session. We must demand for the full funding of our voting rights.

The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of Connecticut ("CTVRA") is the most comprehensive voting rights legislation in the country. Connecticut has the opportunity to be the #1 national leader in voting rights access and fidelity by fully funding the CTVRA. Not properly funding the CTVRA is tantamount to weakening the protections and voting access required to be a state that truly believes in democracy and the will of the people. 

The CTVRA, early voting, and no-excuse absentee voting are crucial to making good on the government's duty to its people.

We need your testimony to ensure fully funding for the CTVRA, early voting, and no-exucse absentee voting in H.B. 6864, An Act Concerning the State Budget for the Biennium Ending June Thirtieth, 2027, and Making Appropriations Therefor. Find sample testimony below.

Written Testimony:

The General Assembly’s Appropriations Government A Subcommittee meeting was on Friday, Feb. 14th, 2025. You can watch the livestream recording on YouTube Live.



Bill number

H.B. 6864