Connecticut, like the rest of the country, must reduce the role, responsibilities, and presence of police, especially in Black and Latinx communities. This means, at minimum, diverting funds from policing to instead build safe and healthy communities. Through litigation, legislative advocacy, and education, the ACLU of Connecticut seeks changes to counterproductive policies that have disproportionately harmed communities of color in our state, and to educate people about their rights when interacting with police. We have fought against the increasing militarization of local police departments, sought an end to civil asset forfeiture, warned against the weaponization of police drones, and condemned racial disparities in traffic stops. We sued after police unjustly stopped and searched a pregnant woman, a music minister, and a protester. We helped to pass landmark laws to require police transparency about Taser use and to require police to obtain warrants before using "stingrays" to spy on people's private cellphone communications.
Since 2017, the ACLU of Connecticut has worked on Project Flashlight, a website publicly launched in 2022 that shines light on the ways Connecticut's more than 100 police agencies operate in secret. Information is power, and Project Flashlight works to get information to the people. The site’s first phase, in early 2022, included information about police contracts (collective bargaining agreements) and police commissions. In the coming years, this transparency website will add two more sections: use of force, which will include easy-to-navigate data about when police use force "likely to cause serious physical injury” (a definition that exists under state law); and suits and settlements, which will provide information about police who are sued for their conduct, and the outcome of those lawsuits.
We believe racial equity cannot be realized within a system that disproportionately harms families and communities of color, and furthermore, the criminal legal system promotes neither justice nor safety. We seek to reallocate funds from policing to community-based programs and services; expose systemic racism caused and perpetuated by police; increase access to open records; create consequences for police who commit violence; and reduce the power, role, and scope of policing in Connecticut. We challenge the actors and systemic factors that cause violence to our communities by funneling people into the criminal legal system. We work to reduce the role, scope, tactics, and power of police. We continue to promote the reallocation of funding from policing to instead go to programs and services that advance public health and safety by creating thriving communities. We are proactive in holding police accountable for their racist, harmful, and unconstitutional actions.
- 118 people have died after being tased by police in Connecticut since 2005. 12 were Black or Latino.
- 2In 2015, statewide, police disproportionately searched Black and Latino drivers, but were less likely to find illegal substances than in white drivers' cars.
Friend v Gasparino, City of Stamford
October 22, 2018Dowdell v New Britain & Dowdell v Connecticut State Police
October 3, 2018Picard v. Torneo, Jacobi, Barone
September 15, 2016
Vereen v. Ruffin and Vasquez
April 26, 2016Cash v. Town of East Haven et al
January 16, 2015
Smart Justice 2023 Legislative Testimony
July 17, 2023SB 953, An Act Concerning the Definition of Racial Profiling
March 14, 2023SB 1195, An Act Establishing Secondary Traffic Violations
March 14, 2023
The Latest
Connecticut State Police Fake Traffic Ticket Scandal
November 27, 2023
ACLU of Connecticut Strategic Plan 2025-2028
January 31, 2025
ACLU of Connecticut Statement on Inspector General Robert Devlin's...
January 10, 2025
ACLU of Connecticut Moves for Quick Release of Prison Videos Played...
December 17, 2024
Civil Liberties Update: End of Year Newsletter 2024
December 6, 2024
ACLU of Connecticut Files Appellate Petition for Immediate Release...
October 8, 2024
The Connecticut Memo
September 1, 2024
Federal Court Grants Outright Victory to Man Arrested for His Free...
August 2, 2024