You have the right to your vote, and we care about your ability to access it. We have a new asset for the 2024 election. Our legal team has partnered with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund to bring you a guide to the Connecticut Voting Rights Act.

Connecticut is home to some of the most restrictive voting laws in the nation, especially for Black and Latine voters. We’re working to change that. Traditionally marginalized communities face limited access to absentee voting, new-to-the-state early voting protocols, and longer voting lines.

According to NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, the CTVRA is “one of the most comprehensive state-level voting rights acts in the country, building on successful laws already on the books in California, Washington, Oregon, and Virginia—and especially the successful passage of the NYVRA in New York.”

Join us in ensuring equitable access to voting rights for all Connecticut voters.