Tell your legislators to amend S.B. 1356: because data privacy is a civil rights and liberties issue.
Call your legislator here.
The hearing for this bill was on Wed., Feb. 26th. You can still submit written testimony for this bill.
- Submit written testimony here.
- Find sample testimony and instructions on how to testify here.
- Check out the CT General Assembly’s Guide to Testifying here.
The ACLU of Connecticut urges for amendments to S.B. 1356, An Act Concerning Data Privacy, Online Monitoring, Social Media, and Data Brokers. Passage of this bill means Connecticut would be a true leader in the data privacy space. This bill includes a ban on the sale of your sensitive data, a ban on targeted advertising and the sale of data for minors, and more.
We are urging lawmakers to strengthen some of the language and anti-discrimination provisions.
Learn more about the bill and how to testify below.

The Connecticut General Assembly’s General Law Committee heard public testimony on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 2025 for this bill. To watch the livestream recording, visit their channel on YouTube Live.