Tell your legislators to support H.B. 6948 because housing is a human right. No one should be denied the opportunity to access safe and affordable housing.
Call your legislator here.
The Housing Committee heard testimony for this bill on Feb. 18th. You can still submit written testimony for H.B. 6948. Submit written testimony using this online submission form.
We were at the Capitol in full force to testify in support of H.B. 6948, An Act Concerning the Collateral Consequences of a Criminal Record on Housing Opportunities. Watch the public hearing here.
Below is information and fact sheets about the bill along with testimony we've submitted in support of this bill.
The ACLU of Connecticut supports H.B. 6948, which, if passed, would help provide people who are living with a criminal record with access to housing so that they can grow and thrive within their communities. This bill would prevent blanket housing discrimination based on criminal history, ensuring that individuals with prior convictions are evaluated fairly for rental housing opportunities.