Civil Liberties Update: Spring/Summer Newsletter 2023

June 20, 2023

The work to create equity, justice, and freedom is never ending. Here's what the ACLU of Connecticut has been striving toward in the first half of 2023. 

ACLU of Connecticut Spring/Summer Newsletter 2023

Meet the people fighting to end prison debt

"It's not just about me." 

Natasha Tosado, a woman with long brown hair, faces the camera. She looks powerful and serious, and she is wearing a blue shirt and a pin with a photo of her son, Jayson, on it. Behind her is a fence and a blooming magnolia tree.

Wrapping up the 2023 legislative session

The ACLU of Connecticut approached the legislative session with ambitious goals.

Jess Zaccagnino, a woman with long brown hair, stands behind a podium. In front of her is a sign that says "CT voting rights act." Behind her is a group of people, watching as she speaks

What will early voting look like?

A new law creates early voting in Connecticut for all elections or primaries held on or after January 1, 2024.

A purple yard sign, with green and white text, says, "vote YES for early voting November 8." the ACLU-CT Rise PAC logo is at the bottom. behind are a street and sidewalk, with autumn leaves scattered around

Smart Justice

Every day, Smart Justice is working for a freer, safer, healthier Connecticut.

Six ACLU-CT Smart Justice leaders and friends sit and crouch in front of the CT Capitol building. They are smiling, wearing blue "people not prisons" shirts, and the sun is shining.

Defend the right to learn and read

Book challenges are on the rise, in Connecticut and across the country.

A red "censored" stamp covers a stack of books and a hand holding a bullhorn. All are behind a pink filter effect.


We are comprised of three nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations: the ACLU of Connecticut, a 501(c)(4) organization which does legislative and organizing advocacy work; the ACLU Foundation of Connecticut, a 501(c)(3) which does litigation and public education work; and the ACLU of Connecticut Rise PAC, a 527 organization which builds the necessary relationships, public awareness, public narratives, and pressure felt by politicians. Full funding for our work is vital to achieving wins like the ones highlighted above.