We need your testimony!

We need your written or in-person testimony as soon as possible. It’s easy and fun!

  • Register to testify by Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 3:00 PM here.
  • Submit written testimony here
  • Find sample testimony and instructions on how to testify here.
  • Watch the hearing live here.
  • Sign the community sign-on letter here.
  • Read the bill S.B. 1502 here.

Note: If you plan to testify in person or on Zoom, know that the opposition will also be testifying. Some of the rhetoric and malinformation is difficult to hear. If you feel you will be affected by this, it is okay to submit written testimony only. We encourage you to prioritize and protect your wellbeing.

The ACLU of Connecticut supports S.B. 1502, the Connecticut Survivors Justice Act, which is designed to enhance current legal protections for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking, and reform the way a survivor's experiences are considered in sentencing by the state's judicial system.

If passed, this bill would provide trauma-informed sentencing for survivors whose offenses were influenced by their experiences with domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking.

Learn more about the bill and how to testify below.

  • Speaking in Person or by Zoom:
    • You must register to testify by Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 3:00 PM using this form.
  • Written Testimony:

The General Assembly’s Judiciary Committee meeting is Monday, March 17th, 2025.

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: Room 2C in the Legislative Office Building

Watch the hearing live on YouTube Live (watch without registration)

We will share the order of registered speakers and submitted testimony as soon as it's available. In the meantime, check out the CT General Assembly’s Guide to Testifying.

The speaker order will be posted on the day before the hearing on the CT General Assembly website at 6:00 pm. The speaker order will be posted on the day before the hearing on the CT General Assembly website after the 3:00 pm deadline has passed. Any written testimony submitted before the meeting will be published in time for the hearing.

If you are unable to submit testimony, you can still sign the community sign-on letter to show Connecticut lawmakers that we want and need the Connecticut Survivors Justice Act.

Use this form to sign the letter -- please find the letter in the description of the form or read it here.



Bill number

S.B. 1502

